thank you for your comprehension
we never say never: fiber is on its way in this country
creditnote was prepared
cancelling subscription is requested…

sorry, this was beyond our technical possibilities
so I will end your internet maxi and your mobile unlimited premium in your pack? no products remain, right?
Yes, you can cancel all my products for the moment. Who knows, maybe sometime fiber gets availible and then I see you again. I’d be delighted If at least I don’t have to pay for the service that I was not able to use in June. Also I had a bunch of problems with the mobile unlimited premium in may and the months before but I already paid that, it’s fine.
Thank you

sorry, this was beyond our technical possibilities
so I will end your internet maxi and your mobile unlimited premium in your pack? no products remain, right?
@HadewychT @DaisyS @Michael V @AntonellaD @tina.b
I gave up… cannot wait any longer so I ordered starlink. It is more expensive but I hope it will solve my problem. As a long standing customer of Proximus its hurts to leave but I had no choice since there was just no viable option offered for me and I cannot keep paying for 2 Lines that I can’t use any longer.
Please cancel both my fixed line and the mobile line. I have not paid the last outstanding invoice as I was told by customer service to wait until a solution is presented and that I would receive a refund for the period that I was not able to use the services.
Let me know if the cancelation and refund was successful. Thanks again for your efforts.
@Lynx6541 I still don’t have an answer, I just send them a reminder.
@HadewychT @DaisyS @Michael V both lines are still running without usage at the moment. I am still waiting for a decision regarding XDSL 4G Tessares. I am so sorry for asking again and I don’t want to create pressure or be annoying but I am paying 100€ a month at the moment for 2 Internet connections that I am not using since more than a 1.5 months waiting for a decision for this 
Thank you for your understanding
Any news ? where can ask about progress?
Got it, I'm waiting to see what happens, hopefully there will be a decision soon
@Lynx6541 Both @tina.b and I only treat questions regarding administration and billing. UTS tickets are for the technical service to treat. You can contact @HadewychT @DaisyS @Michael V about this. Kind regards, Antonella
Thank you both for helping so much with the case. I send you the case number via PM
I am hoping that you can try to check it in the coming days because I am paying 100€ a month for both lines (Fixed and Mobilus 5G Unlimited) and i am currently not using either of the lines as I have the 5G SIM in my Phone (so I can be reached by support) and the fixed line is just unusable.
So in case they don’t grant me Tessares I would have to cancel both lines and I hope to get a refund for the 2 lines.
But let’s not be pessimistic, I hope they will finally install the 4G Modem and I am a happy customer for the future. Maybe you can do something to increase the chances that they aprove the request. I only need a bit more Upload speed and the line would be perfect.
Best regards and have a great weekend !
Thanks! I just got the call.
They told me that it's not possible for Tessares at my location but didn't really mention a reason.
Your colleague was really friendly and agreed to launch another last effort and create a case with a more detailed explanation of the situation and that there is good reception here.
He gave me a case number. It will take a few days. I'm praying that it works since is been quite a ride...
@Lynx6541 I ‘m sorry to hear that. I created a new ticket to contact you.
Hello @HadewychT , I still did not receive a call or a message. I need to know if I should cancel both subscriptions as waiting and paying for 2 lines that are not useful for me is not an option 
Thank you
@Lynx6541 I made a ticket to my colleagues who will contact you by phone about this.
Thanks so much, my Mobile number is in the profile. It is my Mobilus 5G Unlimited Contract and I am reachable under this number.
@Lynx6541 My colleagues of the technical support will help you with this. Kind regards, Antonella
@HadewychT @DaisyS @Michael V Graag verder nazicht (technisch). Groetjes,Antonella
Thank you guys for helping out, I cannot tell you how much that means for us since we have bad internet for 8 years now and there is noone willing or able to help us out.
I wrote a message via Proximus support chat last week and received the following answer:
Good day to you,
With Stef.
It is not possible for us, on the first line, to book it. There is a case in the backoffice that says that the 2nd line is handling the ticket right now. But on that ticket it says that it is not possible at the moment to have a stable 4g connection at home.
As soon as this changes or there is an update, the owner of the ticket will contact you.
Do you have any other questions I can help you with?
When I booked the Fixed line 3 weeks ago the technician on the phone told me that activating Tessares 4G should ne no isse and that they will tell the technician that will come to install it about it and that it will be installed right with the fixed line. That did not happen.
The technician that was at my home checked the 4G Signal and also said it was fine.
So I don’t understand why it is still not approved by the backoffice and that they wrote me the message above.
At the moment the fixed line is just sitting there witht he BBOX3 installed. When I connect to it via WIFI i get 9-12M Download and 0.7 Upload which renders this line useless for almost anything that is required as I get a massive packet loss.
@AntonellaD can you check if there is a formal ticket opened for th Tessares 4G and what I can do to accelerate this procedure?
@Martin no
use or radio traffic and control channels (e.g. 100/300 GB/month versus 3 TB/month)
the issue here is that de author is waiting already quite some time to receive a yes or a no from the technical backend involved (as I already indicated above technicians are not allowed to install this solution without an ok of this backend)
@M_016 The tessares 4G load will still be the same as over his 4G Mobile subscription, which he now uses to surf the internet, no?
@AntonellaD did vorward your request to her colleagues for follow up & feedback to you; she did not indicate the solution dsl&4G Tessares would not be available
Taking into account you internat 4G coverage seems to be excellent (cfr your own info above) the only reason why dsl&4G Tessares eventually would not be available for you (and others) in your local region could be the high real mobile 4G load on the local antenna (= priority to real mobile 4G traffic & therefore the number of Tessares solution accesses on a local antenna is rather limited)
→ I am afraid you still will have to wait for Proximus moderators to provide you feedback on the subject
Thanks a lot for for this. I've heard that they are checking the availability of Tessares but I don't understand why, I've been using the mobile network for 2 years here and the connection is very good with 4g, even inside the house. Why would they say it's not availible?
@HadewychT @DaisyS @Michael V Graag verder nazicht (technisch). Groetjes,Antonella
@Lynx6541 I received this feedback from my colleagues of the technical 2nd line:
This ticket was created on 26/04 and we are still waiting for an answer. The customer is also aware of this because we have been in contact via private messages on the forum.
Kind regards,
@AntonellaD the technician who installed the fixed line at my place said that the activation should not take longer than 2 days. I’ve been waiting for 3 weeks now and I am paying for 2 lines (Mobilus and Fixed) can you ask them to call me back on my mobile number. It is working now as the cells are working fine again.
I would really appreciate it
@Lynx6541 I will ask my colleague of the technical service. Kind regards, Antonella
@HadewychT Kan je dit (laten) nakijken? Dank je wel.
Thanks so much, the fixed line is installed for 2 weeks now and I am still waiting for the backoffice to activate the 4G Modem so the technician can come install it. 4G Reception here is very good as I’ve been using Mobilus for 2 Years without an issue.