
How sync skynet email, calendar & contacts with Outlook using Proximus Cloud Exchange

  • 27 December 2018
  • 0 reacties
  • 1857 Bekeken


I have a Skynet email account and read and manage mails with Outlook 365 (Office 365 Home). As I use POP3, mails are downloaded to Outlook on my laptop (Microsoft Surface) and are therefore removed from server. I also manage my calendar and contacts on Outlook 365. A lot of email history is stored in local .PST files.

I want to synchronize my calendar and contacts with other devices such as my mobile phone (Android). The ones I create with Proximus Webmail are not synchronized with Outlook. I tried other apps such as Dejaoffice to connect my phone directly with Outlook on my laptop but these apps are not flawless.

I'd like to achieve the following:

Incoming mail to vincent.maenhaut@skynet.be > email provider skynet.be > sent to/read by Exchange in the Cloud > read by Outlook 365 on laptop, or in the Cloud or Outlook App as a mail to vincent.maenhaut@skynet.be


Mail created with Outlook 365 of laptop, or in the Cloud or Outlook App > sent through Exchange in the Cloud > pass through email provider skynet.be > received by addressee as sent by vincent.maenhaut@skynet.be.

After having scrutinized numerous sites and forums, following questions still remain:

*Can and how can I use Office 365 or Exchange in the Cloud to achieve this?
*Can I setup Proximus Webmail to achieve this?
*After Microsoft confirmed I could use Exchange as a single user (Global administrator), I subscribed to Office 365 Business Essentials through my Microsoft Account, create an Office 365 account and had to create a custom onmicrosoft.com domain and associated email address. However, I cannot associate my Skynet email address as an alias to this domain/email address. How do I need to setup Exchange in the Cloud to keep sending emails with my @skynet email address?
*Still according to Microsoft, if I want to use my account vincent.maenhaut@skynet.be to sent or received emails via Exchange Cloud, I should add the Office 365 records to the DNS hosting provider of my domain (cf. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/create-dns-records-at-any-dns-hosting-provider?view=o365-worldwide). How can I achieve this?
*Do I need setup my mail as an IMAP account?
*Do you have documents that explain how to set all of this up?
*Any other option to achieve the above?

Many thanks in advance for a quick reply

Vincent Maenhaut

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