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Sinds mijn mailbox veranderd is van POP naar IMAP, krijg ik steeds de volgende foutboodschap :

"Op dit moment kan geen e mail ontvangen worden :

"De server voor SKYNET heeft de fout Connection Idle for too long geretourneerd. Uw "gebruikersnaam/wachtwoord of de beveiligingsinstellingen zijn mogelijk onjuist. Wilt u uw "wachtwoord opnieuw invoeren" JA of NEEN

Als ik dan op JA klik en opnieuw het wachtwoord invoer en ook wachtwoord bewaren in sleutelhanger aanklik, dan is het opnieuw in orde, maar enige tijd nadien, is het weer hetzelfde probleem.

Als ik naar de instellingen voor de verschillende Outlook en Mail programma's ga kijken, dan staat Outlook 2011 for MAC er wel niet bij vermeld.

Misschien heb ik iets fout ingesteld ???

Heeft iemand hetzelfde probleem of gehad en zoja, hoe kan dit opgelost worden ???

Alvast bedankt.
I created a case (5036046) for our engineers to check. I'll ceep you updated if I receive more info.



Hi Kim... just wondering if you have any news yet (maybe too soon) as there is now a second message:

which often follows the first message:

Again, answering "No" to both messages gets mail functioning normally again for a while.

anwer from engineering

in outlook there are 2 settings that should be checked:

- Serververbinding vernieuwen na x minuten => must be less then 3 minutes

- IMAP IDLE gebruiken (als de server dit ondersteunt) => must be off

these are "advanced" settings

there is a page for outlook 2011 for mac here:
Okay, thanks Sabine... will try that and let you know what happens:

Sabineb and ColinB,

Thank you for the above information. Since I have the same problem as Colin, I also adapted the advanced settings as shown above. Let's see if the error messages stay away now.

Kind regards.

Ha ! Great Gizmo .. I was wondering when you'd see that and give it a try ☺️

Look at this latest comment from Tapedur too Gizmo (posted today) ...

What are your settings?
Hello Colin,

I have put the same settings as you and as given by Proximus engineering. So far, so good, I haven't received an error message since then. Will keep you adivsed. Kind regards.

Unfortunately... I just got this:

Grrr... and I even deleted my mail account on the Mac in Outlook, then recreated it before changing the settings and rebooting the Mac. Will see if it was just an exception and if not then try what Tapedur suggested.
And, this morning, after a period of non-use during the night:

So, no success there.

Now, I'll try what Tapedur suggested yesterday on the French forum about the same problem: "... il faut changer la durée de synchronisation, en mettant un temps plus long. si le temps de synchronisation est trop court, peut-importe la messagerie, l'adresse e-mail, ou le fait de faire le ménage dans la messagerie peut amené a avoir 'le-serveur-imap-a-interrompu-la-connexion'...."
Hello Colin,

No more error messages at my side. Everything works normal now.

Pls find attached my settings. I have attached a print screen of all the settings.

You could maybe give it a try ?

Kind regards.

Hi Gizmo. Many thanks for that ... I have just checked my settings and they are the same as you have posted. So, very strange it isn't working for me, even more so, as it was working perfectly before. I have now increased the synchronisation delay (à la Tapedur) to 10 minutes from the 2 minutes I had... and I will see what that does.
Good luck Colin !
Thanks... one small difference I did notice with your settings and mine is that although you have

with "Informatie over de inkom...", you did include the user name and password, which would normally be ignored with the option you chose. I had this:

So, being a bit of a pedantic, I'll try it exacty like you had, even adding the information which I believe would be ignored.
Well, unfortunately, neither my above pedantic change or what Tapedur suggested on the FR forum (sync delay now set at 10 mins) seem to work for me. So, I'm trying something else:

Clicked "Prevent App Nap" below:

Gizmo, if you are still around... did you have that set by any chance... (find app Outlook and check Info). Many thanks.
Hi Colin,

Since yesterday evening, I have not had any error messages except for one at around 10 AM this morning, but that was the only one. I don't know what caused this one time error message, because I didn't change anything.

The settings of the are attached.

Prevent app nap is not selected.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Gizmo. So, I was still getting the cursed messages about connection idle for too long and session time exceeded... until I changed the info page on Outlook for Mac to prevent application napping.

Now, for last night and several hours ... no more messages.

Nothing else worked (not even Tapedur's suggestion of increasing sync time) - so, I hope this "prevent napping" continues to work..

As I had changed nothing in my settings before all this started, I can still only assume that something had changed on the Proximus side. I'm not sure we had confirmation from Proximus that the server was not using PUSH notifications again, which was of course the reason for the problem back in March and that change was reversed by Proximus to prevent the problem.

If not already done somewhere and I missed it, it would be good if the Proximus guys/gals could confirm they are NOT using PUSH notifications again. Thanks.
Hi Colin,

Just received one message this morning at start up of outlook and only for the proximus server, not for the skynet one, but that was all.

So, I have also selected the option "prevent application napping".

I didn't know that existed. I learned something new.

Let's hope the "cursed" messages stay away. Keep you posted.

Kind regards.

Hi Colin,

Everything works smoothly. At your end also ?

Kind regards.

Yes !

Since I made the change to stop Outlook napping, all works okay again.

No other suggested changes seemed to work.

So, Proximus... can you please confirm, you are not using push notifications on the server side? Thanks.
i created a ticket to engineering for information.

Once we get feedback we will inform you
Thanks RobrechtB.
Het antwoord dat we gekregen hebben is "to answer the question: we do not push email"
Oké nogmaals bedankt. Lijkt alsof de plotselinge foutmeldingen na jaren van geen problemen waarschijnlijk onverklaarbaar blijven - medelijden.

Or, in case my Dutch translator is really too bad ... Okay thanks again. It seems that the sudden error messages after years of no problems are likely to remain inexplicable - pity.
